Reality TV Imitating Art

They teased us with the 'leg throwing' scene at the beginning of the season, but we had to wait until the season finale of The Real Housewives of New York City to see the drama play out! Aviva Drescher's characteristically dramatic, polarizing personality made for great television Wednesday night when during a climactic argument she ripped off her prosthetic leg then slammed it onto the dining table to demonstrate the 'only fake' part of her. We can't help but draw the connection to Robert Gober's infamous wax sculptures of dismembered body parts protruding from gallery walls. Once again life imitates art - thanks again Aviva for parody! [caption id="attachment_9983" align="alignleft" width="476"]Aviva Drescher's leg lying next to one of Robert Gober's wax sculptures Aviva Drescher's leg lying next to one of Robert Gober's wax sculptures'[/caption]  

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