Formless to Form. January 30 - March 31

A digital revolution is underway and it is impacting the way artists are making and displaying their work. Cutting edge contemporary artists from around the world are embracing new digital technologies, processes and philosophies in their work and as a gallery, we are embracing a new way of thinking about displaying and selling the artists work. Art has become ubiquitous thanks to the internet and new printing technologies have reduced the cost of creating high quality digital artworks, allowing for the artists work to be disseminated all over the world. Art is activated by the viewer and our belief is the more people that view the work the better. Formless to Form is an exhibition that explores the artistic renaissance that has been spawned by the digital revolution. FORMLESS refers to the digital component of their work and FORM to the manifestation of their artwork in a physical creation. Exhibiting in the exhibition will be: trachyon

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