Marie Claire Up Late & Entangled on James Street

Last Thursday night we premiered our collaborative project with Queensland Ballet dancers Jack Lister, Sarah Thompson & artists Gert Geyer & Greg Henderson. Marie Claire Up Late on James Street in Fortitude Valley saw a celebration of all things fashion and to activate the street, we projected Entangled onto the the blank canvas of the Scanlan Theodore store. Passers by were treated to a wall of moving contemporary art that illuminated the neighborhood. The production was created by a fantastic group of talented, dedicated and visionary individuals who combined forces to create a work of art that fused ballet, film and digital art into one pretty spectacular, moving artwork. Art for the 21st Century! _H_L4184 _H_L4198 _H_L4218 _H_L4281 _H_L4345    

Marie Claire Up Late James Street - Dance gets Digital!

On March 12, we will debut our latest digital collaboration with artist Gert Geyer and Jack Lister from QLD Ballet titled Entangled. We will be projecting the finished artwork onto the Scanlan Theodore Wall during James Street's Marie Claire Up Late event on March 12th. If you are in Brisbane for the day, come and watch up light up James Street!! DIGITIZED