NEW ADDITIONS: 9th St Show's 63rd Anniversary Special Release

In May of 1951 the 9th Street show opened to an overwhelming reception and introduced the world to the Abstract Expressionists. To celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the ground-breaking show, we have collaborated with the Estate of Michael Goldberg to bring you four limited edition Transfer works on newsprint from 1992. [divider] [caption id="attachment_7963" align="alignleft" width="447"]Transfer - Green, Michael Goldberg 1992 Transfer - Green, Michael Goldberg 1992[/caption] To remove wet paint from the surface of his artwork, Goldberg would apply newsprint to the surface and then scrape a large pallet knife over the newsprint to lift off excess paint. Doing this allowed him to work quickly without muddying the paint. This studio practice inspired a series of paintings where the markings on the newsprint became the focus of the work. By making deliberate movements with the pallet knife, Goldberg was able to create punchy gestural expressions of color that boldly capture a moment in time.