You can either buy clothes or you can buy pictures! Stein

Gertrude Stein has long been a source of inspiration for us; from her rule breaking writing to her infamous salon where she hosted meetings and discussions with the avant-garde artists of her generation like Picasso & Matisse. Always a keen lover and supporter of the visual arts, Stein has an infamous quote ' You can either buy clothes or you can buy pictures.' It is this quote that has served as an inspiration for our latest shoot. Some of our young collectors shed their clothing for their love of art, and together with photographer Justin Nicholas of Atmosphere Photography we have captured some fun images of collectors interacting with their TWFINEART limited editions: #love A39J7387 copy A39J7421 2 A39J7471 copy A39J7510 copy A39J7515 copy A39J7565 A39J7573 copy


SUZY KUNZ is an artist working in Photography. Her focus was Photography and Sculpture at Indiana University, and also pre-med at the University of Colorado where she received a BFA. She also has an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she studied Sculpture and Filmmaking. She has lived in Manhattan since 1986.

A traditionalist at heart, Suzy's Black &White portfolio is made up of silver gelatin prints. No photoshopped photos included. All prints are editioned

[caption id="attachment_8766" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Invented Frivolia, Suzy Kunz 2000 Invented Frivolia, Suzy Kunz 2000[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_8773" align="aligncenter" width="652"]Morning Glories I, Suzy Kunz 2000 Morning Glories I, Suzy Kunz 2000[/caption]