This week we have added a selection of very recent work by Californian artist Emily Silver.

We All Want to Know, 2014. Art by Emily Silver I Want To, 2014. Art by Emily Silver Emily throws tradition out of the window, approaching her drawings as extensions of her sculptural work. Surfaces are built with an eclectic mix of sculptural materials in addition to paint & pencil. The results are innovative and exciting. As subject matter she looks to funerals, parties, parades and carnivals, using iconography, materials and colors associated with these events to create her artwork. On a conceptual level Emily's work examines the space between the celebratory and the tragedy. Often comedy is used through the incorporation of a written 'punch line'. While crude, funny or devastating, Silver uses comedy to make a poignant comment on the resilience of the human spirit and the role of ritual in our lives. Visit EMILY SILVER to see the full portfolio of work. Prints start at $85.00 AUD.

Emily Silver - Superpositions at Raid Projects in Los Angeles

Emily Silver's exhibition 'Superpositions' opens tonight, January 25th at Raid Projects in Los Angeles. On view will be Silver’s whimsical, glittery sculptural vanitas*. *In the arts, a vanita is a type of symbolic work of art especially associated with still life painting in the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th centuries. RAID PROJECTS:  602 Moulton Ave., Los Angeles, California 90031. OPENING 7:00pm Screen Shot 2014-01-25 at 9.28.19 AM