Science & Art - Scale, Perception & Interpretation

The role of the infinitely small is infinitely large. Louis Pasteur

The reality of our reality is like that of an iceberg - the vast majority of it is hidden from view. Yet, with the aid of modern technology we are able to peer into this mysterious microscopic world and when we do, we uncover a whole new range of visual forms, some familiar, others completely alien.

Scale Free Network (SFN) is an Australian art-science collaborative made up of two artists (Briony Barr & Jacqueline Smith) and a microbiologist (Dr. Gregory Crocetti). Their interdisciplinary workshops and interactive installations focus on observation of the micro-scale as a source of inspiration and wonder, combining drawing processes, sculpture and microscopy as tools for visualising, exploring and learning about ‘invisible’ worlds.

Science & Art will walk hand in hand next month as TWFineArt collaborates with the Scale Free Network to create limited edition Cotton Rag Prints of images from under the microscope. Since scale and perception are key interests, we will be blowing up these tiny microscopic images to human proportions. The result being pixelated, painterly compositions of color and form where you not only questions the nature of the forms themselves, but also the nature of the imagery. Is it a tree or the branches of an amoeba - a painting or a photo? Regardless - the images are stunning!

Stay tuned to for the release date of this exciting collaboration.

Science & Art

      Science & Art