NEWLY ADDED: Art in Limited Edition Print

This month we have introduced many new works to our exclusive print portfolio. Click on the links to see the art in all it's glory! NEW YORK ARTIST: Suzy Kunz: Suzy Kunz is an artist working in Photography. Her focus was Photography and Sculpture at Indiana University, and also pre-med at the University of Colorado where she received a BFA. She also has an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she studied Sculpture and Filmmaking. She has lived in Manhattan since 1986. [caption id="attachment_8751" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Eye of Newt, Suzy Kunz 2000 Eye of Newt, Suzy Kunz 2000[/caption]
  CHILEAN ARTIST Margarita Dittborn Valle: Margarita is a Chilean artist who creates collaged photographic prints. Drawing on the Dutch Masters and Surrealists Margarita creates grand, mysterious environments that boarder on dreamscapes. She is represented by Galleries in Asia and the America's as well as being in the collection of notable museums including the New Museum in New York City. [caption id="attachment_8954" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Santa Margarita 2007, Print by Margarita Dittborn Valle Santa Margarita 2007, Print by Margarita Dittborn Valle[/caption]
  CALIFORNIAN ARTIST: Steve Gibson We have also added a new print selection to Steve's portfolio: [caption id="attachment_9175" align="aligncenter" width="628"]Untitled, 2014. Print by Steve Gibson Untitled, 2014. Print by Steve Gibson[/caption]
  Also new this month, a beautiful print by the fabulous Rachel Ritchford! [caption id="attachment_9197" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Landscape with Half Gesture, 2006. Print by Rachel Ritchford Landscape with Half Gesture, 2006. Print by Rachel Ritchford[/caption]  


SUZY KUNZ is an artist working in Photography. Her focus was Photography and Sculpture at Indiana University, and also pre-med at the University of Colorado where she received a BFA. She also has an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she studied Sculpture and Filmmaking. She has lived in Manhattan since 1986.

A traditionalist at heart, Suzy's Black &White portfolio is made up of silver gelatin prints. No photoshopped photos included. All prints are editioned

[caption id="attachment_8766" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Invented Frivolia, Suzy Kunz 2000 Invented Frivolia, Suzy Kunz 2000[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_8773" align="aligncenter" width="652"]Morning Glories I, Suzy Kunz 2000 Morning Glories I, Suzy Kunz 2000[/caption]

Steve Gibson Studio Visit & Interview

We love taking a peek inside the working lives of our artists. Inside their studios you'll find an added love for their work and a glimpse of their processes. Revealed here is Steve Gibson in StudioCritical: Learn more about Steve's art and studio process in this insightful interview:   Painting Steve Gibson

Bushwick - No Longer 'No Mans Land'

(Above is a map showing the location of each art studio in Bushwick that will be participating in this coming Open Studio event) We moved to Bushwick - Brooklyn in 2005. Back then, the streets were empty, bar a few factory workers and some gutsy artists that lived amongst the derelict factories. [caption id="attachment_8314" align="alignleft" width="315"]Our Doorway Our Doorway[/caption] Our studio and home was in a massive abandoned warehouse converted to 'barely there' apartments that froze in the winter and steamed in summer. Our hallways were full of clever tags and vandalism and you certainly had eyes in the back of your head when you went out alone at night. It was an awesome place! Our first meeting for Bushwick Open Studios consisted of 5 people sitting around in a room figuring out how on earth we would attract people to our studios for the open events we had planned. We'd put on shows in our cavernous spaces and our patrons would come via cab directly to the doorstep (getting totally lost in the process since cab drivers from the island NEVER went to Bushwick), hang out in the danger zone and then return by cab to Manhattan. They were exciting times! The same area has grown to become a thriving arts hub. It's cleaned up (a little) and now people certainly know where Bushwick is on a map. The open studios have carried on and grown exponentially. This year the amount of artists and patrons participating is truly mind blowing. If you have the chance, pop on the L train and go check it out! It's one of the modern art world centers and an inspiring look into the creative minds of tomorrows legends. [caption id="attachment_8312" align="alignleft" width="746"]NewYork Pictures 035 Young film makers in Bushwick circa 2006[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8317" align="alignleft" width="525"]The street at night circa 2005 The street at night circa 2005[/caption]