ALCHEMY - Interview with Chris Trueman

Chris Trueman's paintings excite me! There is a wonderful quote by Joan Miro about the artistic freedom that would ultimately arise from the extensive visual vocabulary established throughout modernist history. Miro predicted that the isolated genres of painting that existed throughout modernism would eventually be manipulated and fused together. The artist would become a true alchemist, free to mix styles and invent something totally new all over again.

If there is one artist who epitomizes the fruition of this freedom it is Chris Trueman. His work hybridizes styles and genres of painting to create works that push the medium into new territories. Abstract painting is becoming fresh again and it's artists like Chris Trueman who are reinventing the wheel.

This month opening October 23 we will be exhibiting a series of Chris' paintings in an exhibition titled  A L C H  E M Y. We sat down with Chris and had a chat about the work and his responses are as eloquent and intriguing as the paintings themselves.

TWFA: There seems to be a real respect for the physical surface of the canvas in your paintings. In many cases the canvas is left exposed in the finished piece, your marks collaborating with the raw surface and working with it rather than imposing themselves entirely upon it. I am very drawn to that element of your work and I’m curious as to your thoughts on the ‘surface’ when it comes to making a painting?

bigsingleCT: In the AUG series, (which "Big Single" and DD are a part of) there was a focus on how the painting functions as an image and how it functions as an object. Big Single is a good example because the image that is created in the painting is a big stroke floating in an ambient atmosphere of color, as though you had zoomed in on an area of a much larger painting. But the big stroke isn't made out of smaller strokes, it IS the big stroke visually and physically. So I have narrowed the gap between what the stroke actually is and what it is representing. In this way making Big Single was quite a risky painting, because I wasn't building the stroke out of smaller strokes, I had one shot at it I put down a gallon or so of paint and went for it. As I moved forward In my series I discovered that I could maintain that connection to the materiality by leaving areas of exposed raw canvas. The weave and texture of the canvas itself provides a connection to the materiality of the object while other parts of the painting create illusions of space and depth. The paintings never function completely as an object nor as an illusion, they vacillate between the two.

TWFA: Your paintings could be described as visually complex, yet there is still breathing room for the viewer within the complexity. Do you feel a conscious battle going on when you are making the painting to avoid overworking the surface?

Chris Trueman

CT: I subscribe to the notion that each painting has its own identity, some come together seemingly effortlessly, some evolve into complex multi-layered dense compositions. Each painting presents a puzzle or problem that has to be resolved on its own terms. Sometimes I end up with paintings that don't fit into the linear sequentiality of series based work. In this case the piece circles back to ideas that are still kicking around in my head or takes a tangent of something that has been percolating in the background somewhere. In these cases rather than force it into conforming to the series I let the painting be what it is and move onto the next.

TWFA: Different periods and modernist styles from within art history get fused together in your paintings to create fresh new hybrids. I know from reading about your work that this dialogue with art history is a big part of the content of your paintings. Who have been your biggest inspirations throughout art history?

CT: The dialogue about art history in my work is about how when these previously isolated practices and philosophies are fused a third entity emerges. In an analogy its like how mixing the gene pool creates a a stronger population whereas too small of a gene pool has been known to create problems over time. Philosophies have to evolve and take into consideration new developments and address the internal problems that have been exposed. Part of the evolution is to break down the barriers that separate these diverse philosophies and take parts from each to build a more resilient more flexible, more fluid, more encompassing philosophy. How that translates to the formal dialogue in my work comes down to whether or not there is more generative potential through fusing styles than there was by leaving them isolated or even in juxtaposition.

Some of my favorite practitioners that I draw from are the abstract expressionist painters Joan Mitchell, Phillip Guston, Mark Rothko, hard edged painters Karl Benjamin,  Frederick Hammersley. Op artists Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely.

[caption id="attachment_11920" align="alignleft" width="286"]Frederick Hammersley Frederick Hammersley[/caption]

TWFA: The line work in your paintings has evolved to be more dynamic and not as rigid in your newer paintings, which in turn creates an undulating, wave like quality to the later work. The paintings hum as a result and I’m reminded of the paintings of Charles Burchfield, particularly his interest in visually describing sound. Is that something that you are interested in or how would you describe the use of line in your work?

CT: I'm not as interested in describing sound as much as mapping space and creating a space that appears to operate in 3d at the same time as layers of semitransparent screens. Screen space like you would see on your computer or phone where layers of flat information are stacked. How we prioritize and read those spaces is interesting to me.

TWFA: There has been quite an evolution from the paintings done before to now. Obviously the earlier work is informing the later and I’m curious as to where you feel the work is heading now?

I tend to see my work moving forward as a herd not so much as a one-to-one but I have recently introduced dot patterns which are actually the negative space between two sets of parallel lines. In this way more of the underlying layer is exposed but the dots keep you from being able to focus on it. I like the idea of a painting that is evasive of being viewed.

DATE: OCTOBER 9, 2014.

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This week we collaborated with US artist Matt Sheridan to bring you his AMAZING work in limited edition print.

Sheridan's aim is to relocate, redefine and re-materialize spirituality in the age of the algorithm.  To that end, Sheridan imagines how the mediums of painting and video -- made concurrently and complementarily in his practice --  combine through orchestrated movement, location, and editing.  His paintings -- hand-painted actions spliced together on canvases originating from film editing techniques -- inform his videos and vice-versa.  Each painting compresses the time of its video counterpart into object; likewise, each of Sheridan’s “painting-in-motion” videos unpacks its painting analog into experience in the form of architectural projections and video sculptures.  Sheridan received his MFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and his BFA from NYU/Tisch School of the Arts in New York.  He has exhibited his work internationally for two decades, most recently in Miami, the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia; France, Brazil and New York (all 2014).  Since a teaching stint in Singapore ending in 2010, Sheridan has participated in six prestigious artist residencies on three continents while receiving grants from the Center for Cultural Innovation, the Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, and SECULT--Secretary of Culture, Bahia, Brazil.  For more information, please visit:

[caption id="attachment_11617" align="aligncenter" width="448"]Analog Feedback Loop B, 2013. Art by Matt Sheridan Analog Feedback Loop B, 2013. Art by Matt Sheridan[/caption]

We are so excited to bring you work by such an internationally respected and critically acclaimed artist! Visit his page in our SHOP.

Art in Brisbane - There's Something Out There

We have been included in Brisbane's equivalent of NYC's Gallery Guide, an up to date calendar and resource for what's going on in the art world in Brisbane. Great times ahead for the flourishing Queensland art scene with initiatives like this taking the reigns and establishing a cultural scene in this great city. Keep up to date with art in Brisbane by subscribing to their website BNE ART! There’s Something Out There | Brisbane's Visual Arts Guide

The Codex Coner and Michael Goldberg [c. 1510 vs c.1980]

The Codex Coner is one of the most beautiful surviving architectural manuals from the Renaissance. Created around 1510, the illustrated manual was complied in Rome and documents historical and contemporary Roman architecture by the likes of Bramante (1444--1514), Raphael (1483--1520), and Michelangelo (1475--1564). The scope of it's contents and information are unmatched and can be attributed to draftsman & Florentine carpenter: Bernardo della Volpaia (c.1475--1521). Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 12.19.34 PM The manual was discovered by Michael Goldberg during his time in Italy and influenced a major body of his work from the late 1970's until the mid-late 1980's. 'Codex Coner Piede Vicentino' by Michael Goldberg 1980 [pictured below left] references the fundamental structures of Roman architecture, the divisional lines appearing as abstracted columns supporting the uneven weight of the pink colorfield. The technique Goldberg used to create these works on handmade paper was particularly fresh. Matt medium was applied to the paper with water to create a wet surface that Goldberg would draw into with lecturers chalk - a material that the artist would find an affinity with and subsequently use in paintings for the remainder of his career. Renowned collectors Herb and Dorothy Vogel found particular interest in this work and acquired several drawings for their collection. 'Codex Coner Piede Vicentino' was donated to  Yale University as a part of the Vogel's 50 x 50 - 50 Works for 50 States, after Dorothy's passing in 2012. We are thrilled to work with the Goldberg Estate to include 2 of these amazing and historically important works in our limited edition print collection. Visit our SHOP to see the available work, or enquire with the gallery about sales of the original works.

Vogel Collection2


Introducing New Limited Edition Prints by Elise Lee

Elise Lee's signature graphic pop style draws inspiration from minimalism and Asian Pop Art to create an exciting, uplifting & clean cut visual experience. Playing with the iconography of donuts, love hearts and sausage tubes, Lee's work is quirky and fun - perfect for a space that needs a little life. EL-006_MAPLELee earned her post graduate degree in Fine Art from the renowned Pratt Institute in New York City before moving to Los Angeles where she currently lives and works. She exhibits across the United States and in Korea and has been published in Art Buzz, Art Slant and Studio Visit Magazine. TWFineArt is Lee's exclusive dealer in Australia and we are thrilled to introduce her to our portfolio of limited edition prints. Elise's range of prints can be sized from SMALL: 400 mm x 500mm to XL 800mm x 1000mm and look fantastic set against a minimal backdrop or room design. Visit our SHOP to view Elise's full series of available work. We will print, frame, pack and ship the work directly to your door, or you can pick it up in the TWFineArt Gallery & GuideShop on James Street in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley.   EL-005_WHITE EL-009_WHITE