You can either buy clothes or you can buy pictures! Stein

Gertrude Stein has long been a source of inspiration for us; from her rule breaking writing to her infamous salon where she hosted meetings and discussions with the avant-garde artists of her generation like Picasso & Matisse. Always a keen lover and supporter of the visual arts, Stein has an infamous quote ' You can either buy clothes or you can buy pictures.' It is this quote that has served as an inspiration for our latest shoot. Some of our young collectors shed their clothing for their love of art, and together with photographer Justin Nicholas of Atmosphere Photography we have captured some fun images of collectors interacting with their TWFINEART limited editions: #love A39J7387 copy A39J7421 2 A39J7471 copy A39J7510 copy A39J7515 copy A39J7565 A39J7573 copy

A Precisionist Revival? New Limited Editions by Gert Geyer

We just added a series of new work in limited edition print by Brisbane artist and design aficionado Gert Geyer. After seeing these pieces up on the wall, I couldn't escape the reference to a painting that I love by Charles Demuth 'I saw the figure 5 in gold' 1928. Demuth was a leader of the modernist movement called Precisionism and a group of artists known as the Immaculates. It is believed that the style was coined Precisionism by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) founder and director Alfred H Barr due to the clean edge forms and painterly precision. Subjects mainly included industrial landscapes and the movement is commonly associated with that subject matter, however the artists were not so keen on this pigeon hole believing that nature was an essential part of their work. 'I saw the figure 5 in gold' was inspired by a poem written by William Carlos Willams and my connection with Geyer's new work goes beyond its aesthetic precision to the actual inspiration and subject of the work, which is essentially the poetry of the environment (both urban and natural) being reduced to its absolute minimum form. The manner in which Geyer works, from collage to digital, achieves a level of precision that the Immaculates could really only dream of achieving through paint. Her work in my opinion realizes their goal more completely. It is an exciting retake & homage to a somewhat forgotten movement that is almost 100 years old.
  [caption id="attachment_14364" align="alignleft" width="517"]I saw the figure 5 in Gold - Charles Demuth 1928 I saw the figure 5 in Gold - Charles Demuth 1928[/caption]  

Among the rain

and lights

I saw the figure 5

in gold

on a red





to gong clangs

siren howls

and wheels rumbling

through the dark city

[caption id="attachment_14224" align="alignright" width="800"]Flame Trees, 2015. Limited Edition Print by Gert Geyer Flame Trees, 2015. Limited Edition Print by Gert Geyer[/caption]

TWFINEART + Greg MacLaughlin + Tretford

Absolutely psyched to be working on a series of rugs made in collaboration with our artist Greg MacLaughlin and the Gibbon Group. Tretford rugs epitomize all that is cool in the custom rug world. Created using the finest quality goats hair, the color texture and weave of the material is absolutely stunning, lending itself toward sharp geometric designs. Greg MacLaughlin's sharp eye for simplicity and design has paired perfectly with the brand and we are very excited to be offering this cutting edge product to the market place. Launching in April, the rugs will be available in a range of color palettes and combinations, meaning that the designs can be tailored to suit your style and decor. It's an interior designers paradise and we cannot wait to see them on your floors!! This is just one of 5 designs coming soon! Screen Shot 2015-02-12 at 10.23.46 AM

Creative Fusion - Dance, Film & Digital Art

We have embarked on a project together with QLD Ballet dancer and choreographer Jack Lister to fuse dance with visual art. Frustrated with the lack of dialogue between different artistic disciplines, we decided to take matters into our own hands and create a work of art that embraces each others processes. Essentially we are creating a work of art with 3 principal layers, dance, film and digital art. Stage 1 involved Jack choreographing a series of movements and performing them with his colleague and friend, QLD Ballet dancer Sarah Thompson. Together they created a truly moving piece that will literally make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end - they are NOT human!! Stage 2 began on Monday night. Cinematographer Greg Henderson joined forces with Jack and I to capture the dance on film. The result left us all speechless and the final footage will serve as the base for Stage 3 where local digital artist Gert Geyer will work back into the frames to create an animated digital artwork. We will debut the work in laser projection at Marie Claire - Up Late on James Street - March 12! In the meantime, here is a behind the scenes look at Stage 1 & Stage 2 in production. Stay tuned!!
  Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 2.42.53 PM Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 2.43.12 PM Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 2.44.23 PM Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 2.43.31 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-04 at 3.11.09 PMScreen Shot 2015-02-04 at 3.10.51 PM